A Proven Performer

Ledex tubular solenoids are on/off linear actuators that produce force in one direction when energized. Easy to install and available in both push and pull configurations, tubualr soelnoids offer greater design flexibilty in a wide variety of applications. 

Long life and reliability make our solenoids particularly ideal for applications where field service is prohibitive, including: 


Door/safety interlocks

Warehouse automation/industrial sortation

Industrial lockout devices

Laboratory/medical diagnostic equipment

Medical cabinet locking


Part of the Industry's Most Extensive Solenoid Line

Ledex tubular solenoids are available in eight standard pull models and five push models. Sizes include 75,100,125, and 150, with strokes up to 1.5". Legacy versions of sizes 50 and 51 are also available upon request.

Samples available.

Molex® Connector

An industry standard Molex connector is integrated into the solenoid housing. Customers can now provide their own connections or use the included wire harness. 

Key Product features

Full Traceability

Each solenoid is marked with a unique code, enabling the end user to access the serial number and manufacturing date. Customers can consult with Johnson Electric to obtain additional information, including force*, resistance, and other data for each specific unit.

*Force curves assume the use of a standard plunger

High-Speed Performance

Rapid snap-action movement in 

as little as 11 ms*.

*Typical speed with no load at 20°C or 68°F.


Constructed in durable UL-approved materials, delivering consistent and reliable performance in a long range of strokes. The case is rolled over both ends of the unit for greater shock and vibration integrity, allowing the solenoid to withstand rigorous applications.

Long Service Life: 25M+ Cycles

Designed to last longer than most equipment, our solenoids feature a built-in air gap spacer that maximizes service life while minimizing  costs, with no external parts required

Extreme Temperature Functionality

Ledex solenoids can operate near engines, generators, turbines, and in other extreme-temperature applications. 

Standard designs are rated for -55°C - 130°C (-67°F - 266°F).

Made in the U.S./Domestic Support

The latest generation of solenoids use fewer components sourced from fewer suppliers, minimizing lead-time risk.

Fill out this form to speak to a representative about the 24 month price lock promotion.

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